Here is the list (i know i am missing some)
**Groin Pull
**Hamstring Pull (3)
**Hip (4)
**Quad Muscle (2)
**Heel Spurs (2)
**Patella Tendonitis (5)
**Achilles Tendonitis (1)
**I.T. Band (1)
**Stress Fractures @ 5th metatarsal on feet (6, but probably more)
**Foot Puncture, stepped on broken glass in a snowbank, but did finish up the last 5 miles of the run because there was no other way to get home.
**Threw out back rounding a street corner
**Broken Toe, stubbed while running at night but kept running for the week because the Utica
Boilermaker was coming up and i did not want to miss it.
**Neuroma, had to have surgery to remove the nerve between 3rd and 4th toes.
**Knee Surgery to remove scar tissue built up on Patella Tendon
**Foot Surgery to remove part of bone to straighten out little toe.
That is all i can think of at the moment, there was never a list i kept for this stuff. Oh yeah,almost forgot the current problem i just am getting over, a knee cap that wasn't tracking correctly that led to the other knee acting up that caused me to miss alot of the last 3 1/2 years.
It took long enough just to get it diagnosed correctly. I could go on about orthopedic doctors that don't deserve a license and numbnut podiatrists, but the blog would take three days to read. The guys at Foundry Sports in Providence, Ken Furcoulo and Michael Wiggins are great, they know what they speak of and really care.
The biggest shout out goes to my excellent massage therapist, Nicole Toth. She has helped me out more than anyone.
So it seems that this last injury is finally over and it is time to run. Now i just have to try to not over do it and get hurt again :)
Since i am talking numbers here, i thought i would mention one race time. It is 52.56, what is that you say? It was my last 10 mile time that i ran at Yankee Homecoming in 1999, it is also the same exact time i ran 10 days before that at the Blessing of the Fleet. Oh yeah, that's right, i ran that exact time the year before at the Blessing of the Fleet, kind of freaky, ain't it? My last three ten milers are all run in the same time! High expectations if i ever run another 10 miler.
P.S. That x-ray picture is 2 years old.